Naked Soda was written as an audio play for radio in 1999. It was written and recorded over the period of a ten week university quarter or something like that. It is best listened to in doses or on a long walk. Feel free to digitise it and share the pain.
entropop - 1:48 AM
Thursday, August 25, 2005

entropop - 11:40 PM

entropop - 11:37 PM
Saturday, May 03, 2003
entropop - 8:15 AM
Friday, April 18, 2003
poop3 ![]() ![]() n. Slang
[Origin unknown.] |
entropop - 3:03 AM
It is time you hear of the Entropop Manifesto. It is Time you heed it's guide to living. You will live longer, and feel younger and enjoy even your bowwel movements.
1. Stealing information is fun and your moral obligation.
2. Sharing information is like breathing or excreting, it is a waste disposal process. Even the most revered human expression is visceral excrement. A simple byproduct of the intake of information.
3. In the future information will automatically be excreted from our lives and communicated as a social act. IE your very existence will become a visual element of the infosphere. It is assumed that the auditory aspects of our lives will one day enter this involuntary infosphere.
4. The involuntary aspect of this intrusion will not be experienced as violation, much as the involuntary consequences of the television are not widly felt on a bodily felt, or these effects are so abstract as to become part of our subcouncsous (which Arun Chandra does not believe exists.)
entropop - 12:23 AM
entropop - 12:13 AM
Television is an institute you cant diperage. It changes your environment weather you watch it or not. It is a replacement for the senses which have been disabled by white noise in the environment. Television is your new Uncle. Television will always be hangin' with you in the livingroom. Unless you have two livingrooms, sometimes a stereo is a replacement for television.
Getting this really nice iBook was a bad idea, but at least I watch less television. It is impossible to escape the televisions in your midst without the use of some superior technology.
The computer makes one a pretentions overlooker of Television Society. "Ha Ha, television users, they are so dense, Why don't they just get switched onto the internet?" Is a statment often uttered by the Modern Computer User.
That almost wants me to launch my own blog called Modern Computer User. Instead I will synticate said blog right here on Entropop. The future will be filled with a regular "Modern Computer User" syndication.
Anyhow, That's all for now. Doom to all.
entropop - 12:02 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2003
president's son, in a flame-throwing conversation about the war and the Bush administration's efforts to lay claim to the Reagan legacy.
"Yes, some of the current policies are an extension of the '80s. But the
overall thrust of this administration is not my father's -- these people are
overly reaching, overly aggressive, overly secretive, and just plain
corrupt. I don't trust these people."
"The big elephant sitting in the corner is that George W. Bush is
simply unqualified for the job... What's his accomplishment? That he's no
longer an obnoxious drunk?" ]
It's at salon so you have to read an ad to see the whole article.
entropop - 9:20 AM
Friday, April 11, 2003
entropop - 6:19 PM
entropop - 6:19 PM
look at all the lovers of the void, they're unemeployed, should be destroyed.
entropop - 11:13 AM
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
Dick cheney and his wife (whose name eludes me at the moment) walk into a bar. You'd think one of them would have been cool enough not to squeeze money from the poor in the Enron scandle and be a stupid vice presidents wife who is probably ugly.
entropop - 7:16 PM
entropop - 12:23 AM
entropop - 12:13 AM
Television is an institute you cant diperage. It changes your environment weather you watch it or not. It is a replacement for the senses which have been disabled by white noise in the environment. Television is your new Uncle. Television will always be hangin' with you in the livingroom. Unless you have two livingrooms, sometimes a stereo is a replacement for television.
Getting this really nice iBook was a bad idea, but at least I watch less television. It is impossible to escape the televisions in your midst without the use of some superior technology.
The computer makes one a pretentions overlooker of Television Society. "Ha Ha, television users, they are so dense, Why don't they just get switched onto the internet?" Is a statment often uttered by the Modern Computer User.
That almost wants me to launch my own blog called Modern Computer User. Instead I will synticate said blog right here on Entropop. The future will be filled with a regular "Modern Computer User" syndication.
Anyhow, That's all for now. Doom to all.
entropop - 12:02 AM
Wednesday, April 16, 2003
president's son, in a flame-throwing conversation about the war and the Bush administration's efforts to lay claim to the Reagan legacy.
"Yes, some of the current policies are an extension of the '80s. But the
overall thrust of this administration is not my father's -- these people are
overly reaching, overly aggressive, overly secretive, and just plain
corrupt. I don't trust these people."
"The big elephant sitting in the corner is that George W. Bush is
simply unqualified for the job... What's his accomplishment? That he's no
longer an obnoxious drunk?" ]
It's at salon so you have to read an ad to see the whole article.
entropop - 9:20 AM
Friday, April 11, 2003

entropop - 6:19 PM

entropop - 6:19 PM
look at all the lovers of the void, they're unemeployed, should be destroyed.
entropop - 11:13 AM
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
Dick cheney and his wife (whose name eludes me at the moment) walk into a bar. You'd think one of them would have been cool enough not to squeeze money from the poor in the Enron scandle and be a stupid vice presidents wife who is probably ugly.
entropop - 7:16 PM